From 10 February 2014, the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (National Board or NMBA) will use a new model to assess the qualifications of international nurses and midwives, to make sure they are substantially equivalent to Board-approved Australian nursing and midwifery qualifications.
The National Board and AHPRA have reviewed and strengthened the process in place to support the nationally consistent assessment of applications for registration from internationally qualified nurses and midwives (IQNMs).
The model will guide the National Board’s assessment of international applicants to decide if they have educational qualifications that are ‘substantially equivalent’ to a Board-approved Australian qualification. This is critical information to help the National Board decide if an international applicant is qualified to provide safe care to patients in Australia.
This model is consistent with the requirements of the National Law. It applies a set of clear expectations about the educational standards to be met by all international applicants for registration, regardless of where the study was undertaken.
The National Board has made no other changes to the standards you must meet to be eligible for registration in Australia. The new model applies only to the way the National Board will assess international qualifications.